Tuesday, June 3, 2008

hummingbird person

how am i so lucky as to have a dear friend who is a life coach who calls me at just the right moment for me to step out of my office into the warmish drizzle on this strange june day and ask me just the right questions to help me feel so much better about everything? HOW am i so lucky?

this week, i will:

set up a time to sew at my mom's house for 3 hours
work on design stuff (tonight)
plan out how to put shelves in my closets w/ bri

and get this: i am a hummingbird person. i have been noticing hummingbird imagery EVERYWHERE lately (including on my shirt that i'm wearing at this very moment) and wondered what the significance was...and then michele said it today, and then read about it from one of her woo woo animal symbolism books and it is true. i am a hummingbird person. i have yet to see a real live one this year, so if and when i do...watch out. the symbolism is this: hummingbirds drink the sweet nectar of the earth, and make it their work to spread it around. they also have an ability to adapt to any situation, to make the best of what they have. to stop in mid flight, fly up down backwards forwards. i always thought they were cool, but kinda silly looking, like you would see one on some grandma's doormat or something. but clearly i need to get over that. hummmmm.

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