garden city : boise
vatican : rome

are you picturing it? garden city, a beautiful ancient walled city with priceless works of art frescoed on its ceilings. um, not so much. it's one big giant trailer park, but it's changing. and it IS a city within a city, which i find amusing to say the least.

i feel like i have missed so many opportunities to be a part of something BIG--so many cases of being in the right place at the wrong time...leaving just before the renaissance. olympia, williamsburg, nampa...or maybe i was in the right place at the right time, just not doing the right thing. hello!? i think i may have just unlocked a very huge piece of my lifelong problem--i have NEVER been tapped into my possibilities, and so always in retrospect, i see what could have been. it's not that places change and create opportunities for me. i change and create opportunities for me. so now: i am in the right place, at the right time. this is my mantra for today. welcome to my self-help-sewing blog. so much fun for you, dear imaginary reader.